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Message from the President

Over the years, CFPNC Group has built its reputation through a precursor and unique position in the world of civil aviation of our kingdom.

Founded in 1992, our group is the first private group specialized in Africa in the preparation of future airline pilots, stewardesses and stewards, home agents, and sea travel.

CFPNC the Group has eight establishments in Morocco, two in Tunisia and Senegal. Our group is also represented in France and Canada.

The strategy deployed for over 20 years by the CFPNC Group, positions us among the major players in the aviation training in Morocco and abroad.

With its various partnerships with airlines around the world, our group is the only one to offer real prospects for hiring at national and international level.



Tous nos établissements, offrent a ses stagiaires, une formation reconnue et assurée par des professionnels du secteur. Pour cela, plus de 800 emplois sont créés chaque année parmi les lauréats de nos centres qui exercent dans les plus prestigieuses compagnies aériennes et maritimes du Moyen Orient et du Maghreb.


Président Directeur Général